Specifically for young and passionate online entrepreneurs with interest to build a sustainable lifestyle & income in the modern world.

Buying courses won’t change your life; but the right course with a proven mentor will fasten the process.

Steal our WHITEHAT Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) ranking techniques that we’ve used over the years to rank commercial, informative, navigational
and transactional keywords with high traffic potential.

1. Find Your Target Keywords Topics

Target the best keywords in the right topics with the perfect piece of content to grow your business.

2. Follow My Structured Approach

Follow my result oriented and repeatable SEO concept for technical optimisation, on-page SEO, link building, content creation, magic keyword research, internal linking, traffic, monetisation and much more:

3. Restrategise and Repeat

Just repeat the process for each topic and keyword that you want to rank.

The TOOMT Mastery program teaches you a recycling formula to increase the search visibility of any website.

Hey! I'm Sirbright

I’m an experienced webmaster and a lead strategist at Bright Cycle Agency. I’m the guy they consult when they are tired of remaining on the 2nd, 3rd, and archive folders of search engine result pages.

Here’s one of our case studies on an affiliate niche blog, where we were able to increase the organic search traffic to 3,623 per day.

Which is ranking for some really nice keywords at the moment. Like, keywords that convert real time commissions.

What is My Secret?

While I would love to be able to brag about all of the super secret techniques we used. 

The truth of the matter is we just followed a repeatable process.

And every time we launch a new site and want to increase search visibility, we just follow that process:

We have designed repeatable processes for:

Anytime we want to increase the search visibility of a page,

we just follow the processes.

It really is that simple!


Choose your target keyword


Follow the


Restrategise and repeat for the next keyword

You see: 

Most people think that SEO is complicated, but the truth is it’s just a series of repeatable processes that you need to work through. 

Irrespective of the keyword, we just follow our core SEO processes to rank any of our affiliate offers, niche blogs as well as increase our search visibility on SERP, my bad! (Search Engine Result Pages). 

But It’s Not Always That Easy For Everyone

I launched one of my multi award-winning education niche blog way back in 2016 and over that time I’ve helped hundreds of people just like you to increase their search traffic:

My Education niche blog has received nearly 18,500,000 visitors this year alone.

That has led me to speak with over 500 people via consultation calls, comments, and emails that all needed help to increase their search traffic.

And one of the things I learned is that, you may understand all of the different pieces of the SEO puzzle…

…but lack the knowledge to put the puzzle together.

If you really want to grow your search traffic there are lots of pieces of the SEO puzzle that you need to understand such as:

“Niche discovery, keyword research, on-page SEO, content planning, content production, link building, topical authority, finding quick wins, data analyses, reporting, and more”.

Learning each of those pieces of the puzzle isn’t that hard. 

But putting the puzzle together in a systematic way is where most people fail. 

Whether that’s from choosing the wrong keywords to target, hitting bottlenecks with content creation, fighting with on-page SEO, or struggling to build links.

If you don’t take a systematic and organised approach to SEO, it can be very stressful and a huge drain of resources. It often feels like you’re running on an endless treadmill unsure of what is coming next… lol 

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

This is How Growing Your Search Traffic Should Work

SEO doesn’t have to be complicated, you just need a reliable strategy and repeatable processes that you can rely on. 

Over the last several years I have built, refined, and followed my own SEO processes which in turn I’ve used to train my team.

For us in “Bright Cycle“,

Ranking a site is just a case of following a simple 6-week process:

Whether we are working with a brand new site or a penalized site, the process shows us how to increase search traffic step by step.

We are never left scratching our heads or wondering what to do next.

And once those 6 weeks are up…

…we select a new topic with a new set of keywords and repeat the process again.

It’s pretty simple!

That is how growing your search traffic should work and the TOOMT Mastery Program gives you everything you need to do exactly that:

1. A Proven Blueprint

The tried and tested formula that we use to grow our own search traffic to our niche blogs, e-commerce stores and affiliate sites. Just follow the blueprint that we have laid out for you.

2. Repeat Processes

Never get stuck again.

Just follow our repeatable processes step by step!

Whether you need to hire a content writer, integrate Natural Language Processing (NLP) or just build more links – we’ve got you covered.

3: Intelligent Resources

Get the competitive edge by using the same internal resources I built for my team like the evergreen keyword research spreadsheet.

It makes choosing the right keywords to grow your business as easy as possible including all the key ranking metrics like domain authority, keyword volume, traffic potential, cost per result, cost per search and lot more. I doubt if you’ve ever seen anything like that.

4: Templates & Swipe Files

Fast-track your success by using our templates and swipe files. 

We share our best outreach templates, job descriptions, content specifications, frameworks and everything you need to grow your search traffic. 

All you have to do is fill in the blanks!

5. Scalability

This program grows as your business grows. Whether you need to create 1 piece of excellent content or 100 – you will have the systems and processes to scale efficiently.

You can easily follow the program yourself or use it to start training your SEO dream team. These are the exact processes that my site builders, content creators, and link builders follow at scale.

6. Expert Guidance

I’ve tried my best to answer your questions before you ask them. 

Remember, I’ve been running multiple SEO blogs for years and I’m also helping brands and blog owners gain massive visibility on search engine result pages. 

Not just that, I’m currently leading one of the best and outstanding SEO content delivery hub in Nigeria, “TMLT Innovative Hub

Because of that, I have been constantly exposed to questions and problems from SEO newbies to global e-commerce brands along with the challenges of managing my own team. 

The culmination of all of that is baked into the TOOMT Mastery Program to make sure you are getting the expert guidance you need every step of the way.

7: Constant Updates

We have already updated this version of the program twice internally due to the recent google algorithm update as we have tested and refined our methods.

Together with our webmasters, we are constantly testing, updating, and refining our approach which all will feed into future updates of the program.

Introducing TOOMT Mastery Program

My program will take you by the hand and show you how to transform any website into a targeted organic search traffic magnet. 

You’ll get access to all the processes, templates, tools, and strategies that we use to increase search traffic. 

Whether you just launched your site last week or you’re currently facing a decline in search traffic, the TOOMT Mastery program will show you exactly what to do and when to do it. 

Inside you’ll find a series of repeatable processes that you can use to increase search traffic and sales for any website. 

How the TOOMT Mastery Program Works

All you have to do is follow the process once.

Each week’s lessons are made up of a combination of text, video, worksheets, spreadsheets, and printable resources to guide you through the process as easily as possible. 

After that, you’ll have a series of repeatable processes that you can use to increase search visibility for any topic or keywords of your choice. 

These are the exact processes we use and I’ve made my name for creating in-depth tutorials with absolutely no fluff and I can assure you, there is absolutely no fluff… Zero of it.

You’ll have everything you need to build comprehensive SEO strategies using the bottom to top approach with the exact steps to execute them. 

“I’ve closely followed Sirbright over the past 4 years and it has helped tremendously in turning our expired domain fledgling blog into a full time source of income, bringing in thousands visitors a month and allowing us travel full-time!”

Rashford Michael

Rashford Michael

You Know What Really Frustrates Me?

Things like seeing other SEO programs being sold for thousands of dollars.

That doesn’t even cover basics like on-page SEO, structured data, site structure, and internal linking.

Or some other advanced topics like creating excellent content and authoritative links at scale.

I want to be 100% clear with you: 

TOOMT Mastery program is an affordable program for those that want a complete and scalable SEO strategy from top to bottom. 

Whether you have the worst site in the world with terrible architecture, tons of duplicate content, and spammy backlink profile. 

Or, a brand new site that’s just starting out and seem irrelevant. 

I am here to teach you how to fish and after going through the program once, you will know how to build and execute SEO strategies for any site and keyword on the planet, regardless of where you are starting from. 

This is partly why it has taken me so long to release an SEO program because I couldn’t bring myself to do it if it wasn’t 100% complete nor would I ever feel right about charging thousands of dollars for it!

So let me show you just some of the repeatable processes you are going to learn without breaking the bank: 


Research Topics Not Keywords

If you are only focused on keyword research it is likely you are leaving a lot of search traffic on the table. 

Instead, you should be focused on building out topics that directly align with your business goals. 


Building Concrete Foundations

It’s important that you build your castle on a foundation of rock because if you build it on sand – it won’t survive the storm. 

It is amazing how many people are in a rush to build traffic and links despite building their castle on sand. 


Complete On-Page SEO optimization

I can’t tell you how many clients have sworn to me that their on-page SEO is perfect but then we find tons of duplicate content, broken links, and structural problems. 

In fact, I don’t think we have ever had a client that didn’t have on-page SEO problems and unless you’ve done an audit in the last 3 months, experience tells me that you have on-page SEO problems as well. 

But what I love about SEO is that you are in full control of everything which means I can show you things like; 


Content Planning For Profit

Planning your attack with content is tricky. You need to align business goals, search volume, keyword difficulty, intent, risk, and cost which is no simple task. 

Taking time to properly plan your content will not only make it easier to rank but it will also make sure that you are focusing on the topics that bring ROI rather than the Keywords that bring traffic. 


Creating Excellent Content (At Scale)

Creating excellent content that is optimised for both google and humans is no easy task, especially at scale. But if you can make them both love your content, you will be rewarded with traffic, backlinks, and revenue!

The problem is that content creation is a bottleneck for many businesses so this process takes the hard work out of creating content, whether you need to produce 1,000 words or 100’s of words. 


Instant Traffic Strategies

SEO doesn’t happen overnight so having the ability to push targeted traffic when you need it whilst you’re growing search visibility is a valuable skill to have. 

So I’m going to teach you a repeatable system to drive targeted traffic. One that can be used for any piece of content in any niche with Zero spending. 

Not only does this start sending important signals to google but it will also allow you to reach a new audience and open doors of opportunity.


Link-building Strategies that Work

Many new experienced SEO’s struggle with link building for a couple of reasons. 

First, the content that they are trying to build links to usually sucks. Trying to build links to poor content is like trying to push a boulder up a hill. 

But you are not going to suffer from this problem because you’ll know how to create excellent content. Instead I’m going to teach you all of the link building strategies you need to snowball your success. 


Establishing Topical Authority

If you’ve been focused on Keyword research and not topic research then its likely you have some holes in your topical authority. 

Building topical authority not only gives Google the signals it’s looking for. But it is also creates other opportunities for rank boosting signals, like social shares and backlinks. 


The Quick win Finder

If your site is getting any level of search traffic at the moment, it’s likely you are sitting on a handful of quick win opportunities. 

This process will teach you how to find all of the current available opportunities and how to deal with them.

I will show you how to prioritize these opportunities because if you are working on a larger site. It’s easy to be overwhelmed with this process. 

As you can see: 

SEO is the combination of those repeatable process that allow us to build dynamic SEO strategies quickly and easily. 

Sirbright has a way of making complicated SEO knowledge easy to understand. After learning from him for a while, I have been able to easily implement what he teaches and have seen a 3X growth to my website traffic.

Dave Joshua

There is nothing but actionable strategies from start to finish.

And it doesn’t stop there because you are also going to learn things like:-

But most importantly…

This Is A Complete SEO Anatomy Designed Specifically to Increase Your Search Traffic

Each training module, you are going to be told precisely what to do and given everything you need to make that happen including; checklist, worksheets, spreadsheets and much more.

No more trying to figure out how to put the pieces of the puzzle together or wondering what to do next. Just follow the process step by step. 

And you’ll have lifetime access to the program so you can take a break at any time you want. 

You’ll also receive all of the future program updates at no extra cost so you can be sure that you will always have the most up to date strategies at fingertips anytime you need them. 


Here’s also what you will get for free alongside TOOMT Mastery Program:

Is The TOOMT Mastery Program Right For You? 

Admittedly, The TOOMT Mastery Program isn’t right for everyone. 

This is not some push-button strategy that is going to bring you instant search traffic. That is not how sustainable SEO works. 

But if you are serious about increasing your search traffic and want to learn things like:

….then keep reading because the TOOMT Mastery Program is PERfect for you.

Especially if you like looking at things like this:

Frequently Asked Questions

I have answered the most common questions below but if you have a question that I did not cover, feel free to shoot an email to [email protected] or just reply to any email that I have ever sent you.

T – Technical SEO

O – On-page SEO

O – Off-page SEO

M – Monetisation

T – Traffic

The TOOMT Mastery Program is a repeatable SEO strategy that you can apply to any page, topic or keyword.

There are over 80 lessons in total, broken down into 5 manageable sections (TOOMT). 

It includes the repeatable processes we use for topic research, keyword research, technical audits, on page SEO, content planning, content execution, link building and much much more!

You’ll also get access to our internal tools, swipe files and emails templates all wrapped up into a step by step process that means you always know what to do and how to do it. 

I enroll for every SEO program that comes on the market and it’s very frustrating when I pay thousands of dollars for a program…

…only to then find out it doesn’t include staple basics like site structure and internal linking or creating content and building links at scale. 

The TOOMT Mastery Program leaves no stone unturned and allows you to build and execute a complete SEO strategy for you or your clients business. 

It doesn’t matter if your site is new or has hundreds of existing SEO problems, we will guide you through everything you need to do step by step.

This is a complete and repeatable step by step SEO strategy end to end.

The program is delivered entirely online via the academy section of this website. You can access all learning materials via any device that is capable of connecting to the internet with a web browser.

This means you can use your iPhone, Android phone, computer, tablet, games console and more to work through the learning material. You can switch devices freely without losing your place. 

There are over 80 lessons delivered over the course of 5 digestible modules.


Once you have enrolled for the program you are free to work through it at your own pace. It doesn’t matter if it takes you 2 days or 6 months – you are free to access all of the learning materials as and when you want.

The TOOMT Mastery Program steps you through 6 weeks of specific actions to increase your search traffic. 

You should be integrating what you learn as you learn it and the amount of time required to do this varies week to week. 

Some people are going to be able to work through these tasks quicker than others and while you could work through all of the program content in less than a day, you’ll never see any meaningful results.

But in general you should allow for around 4-10 hours per week to work through the program and integrate what you learn successfully. 

Every site, business and niche is different. 

Some already have a foundation that google loves whereas others need to build that foundation first which delays results. 

Although there are no guarantees in SEO, I know it’s important that you have a rough idea of how long it will take to see results. The reality is some sites need less work, some sites need more work, some sites react slower and some sites react quicker so it’s impossible to generalize.

But even in the absolute worst of the worst case scenarios, you should expect to start seeing positive tractions in search visibility within 3 months of integrating what you learn. What’s important is that you keep making consistent positive steps to increase your search visibility.

Yes! And you might not know this but I have a deeply rooted background in ecommerce. 

The majority of our active client base are e-commerce sites for a reason and we service a mix of platforms including Woocommerce and Shopify.

Yes! All future SEO program updates and modules will be provided free of charge. We are constantly testing, updating and refining our processes which all feed into future updates of the program.

15 Days Money Back Guarantee

Invest in the TOOMT Mastery Program with zero risk! If you are not happy for any convincing reason, just send an email to [email protected] and within 15 days of purchase and we will refund you.

Richard Holt

“Sirbright Godwin advice and insight is always spot on. My business has literally made hundreds of thousands of dollars (and our clients have as well!) thanks to his advice”.

Alison McFadden

Sirbright was very professional, organized and provided prompt service and follow-up. We were able to work together to put together a solid action plan to fix the SEO deficiencies our site was experiencing. I would highly recommend Sirbright for any one that needs help with SEO.

You’ll also receive lifetime access to the program and free updates at no additional cost.

“I implemented Sirbright’s advice and now regularly get more traffic and free backlinks. It was so easy and I love checking my inbox for new traffic and link building opportunities.”

Linda Gene

Ben Ross

“Sirbright is my “go-to” SEO expert. We have been able to increase our traffic from 10,000 visits to almost 40,000 website visitors a month since implementing his tips and advice.”

Aayla David

“I have been following Sirbright’s advice for a number of years which has helped me secure multiple top of page 1 ranking for my clients which makes them, and me very happy!”

María William

With the help of Sirbright, I have been able to gain some amazing optimization tips that have helped me increase my site traffic and by extension, my revenue.

Uwakmfon Samson

I have worked with Sirbright Godwin on multiple website-related projects and his level of expertise in SEO is simply outstanding.

Oliver Joshua

I have 2 of my sites under the management of sirbright Godwin and they have been doing extremely well in terms of traffic and monetization.

Bharadwaj Reddy

Prior to meeting with Sirbright Godwin, I have been faced with multiple SEO related issues on my blog. In just about 2 weeks of meeting with him, I was so pleased to see those issues phase out.
In the last few months, we have increased our organic search traffic to 400,000+ per month & are focused on blowing past the 1,200,000 mark right now! Thanks mate!

Daniel Dan

Daniel Dan

Chris Rothermel

Sirbright has been a big helper to my blog. I personally call him a blog-saviour. I have literally not had any regret working with him.

James Robert

After seeking for help from multiple sources on the challenges facing my blog, I was favoured to meet with Sirbright and he was able to proffer solution to all those challenges.

Wesley Parker

Having a good mentor to guide me on blogging was something I have always wanted and meeting with Sirbright Godwin was one of the very best things that has happened to me.

Emem Johnson

Meeting with Sirbright has been the most amazing experience that I have had this year, after a few discussions and personal tutorials with him, I noticed a very great turn around in terms of earnings on my blog.

“I have been following Sirbright’s advice for a number of years which has helped me secure multiple top of page 1 ranking for my clients which makes them, and me very happy!”

Henry Thomas

Ed Henderson

I launched my travel blog less than 2 months ago and his backlink strategies have landed me some great growth opportunities already.

Adaku Gabriel

Sirbright is a lifesaver, By following his advice, I managed to increase traffic by 67% for one of my clients websites within 30 days!

Emeka Don

Thank you Sirbright for helping me grow my business site from 500 to 3200 traffic per month in an extremely small niche.

William Bassey

One of Sirbright’s insider tips has helped us increase traffic by 28% within 48 hours!

Sunday Ezekiel

Following Sirbright’s advice to the letter on SEO, I saw an increase of about 200% in a space of 2 months and the growth has been steady.

Umaru Bawa

“Sirbright is an expert, and fast. Top of the line and a great teacher as well. He is the first person I will hire again in the future.”
I’ve been facing some blogging challenges for quite a while. I was at the end of the tunnel but I couldn’t find light. I clicked all the right buttons but the result were not coming. I bought all the possible backlinks and I wasn’t ranking. So I summoned courage and bought your course and trust me, that lifted our family curse. I’m so grateful. I hope you see this.

Lawred Peters

Lawred Peters

Sign Up for TOOMT Mastery Program

The complete training program provides a repeatable step by step process to increase search traffic.

Here is a recap of what the complete program includes:


Sign up for TOOMT Mastery Program today and you’ll get everything you need to increase the search traffic of any site.

That includes all of our processes, templates, swipe files, Google sheet, workspace and much more!

Here is everything that you will get:

Available at a discounted price of ₦385,000

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